GalleryClark Gable Gallery by adminupdated on March 26, 2021August 13, 2012Leave a Comment on Clark Gable Gallery Clark Gable as a kidClark Gable as a teenagerClark Gable before his Hollywood make-overClark’s first wife Josephine DillonClark Gable in his early Hollywood daysClark and his second wife Ria LanghamClark Gable and Joan Crawford in Dance, Fools, DanceClark Gable and Jean HarlowClark and Loretta YoungClark Gable and his third wife Carole LombardClark and Vivien Leigh in Gone With the WindClark and Vivien on setClark and CaroleClark during his army daysClark Gable and Ava GardnerClark and Grace Kelly at the Academy AwardsClark and his fourth wife Kay WilliamsClark Gable and Marilyn Monroe in The MisfitsClark Gable at old age