Genre: Thriller Description: In Rear Window, the classic Hitchcock thriller, photojournalist L.B Jeffries (James Stewart) is confined to a wheelchair and his apartment by a broken leg.
High Society (1956)
Genre: Musical Description: In High Society socialite Tracy Lord (Grace Kelly) is set to marry George Kittridge (John Lund). But her ex-husband (Bing Crosby) is still in love with her and tries to get her back.
Facts: Grace Kelly
Read facts you never knew about Grace Kelly: When Grace was a child her favorite actors were Ingrid Bergman and Joseph Cotton. In her senior yearbook, her classmates predicted that she was certain ‘to become a great stage and screen star’. Grace’s uncle was George Kelly, a Pulitzer Prize winning playwright. He and Grace were …
Grace Kelly
Birth: September 12, 1929 Philadelphia, United States Death: September 14, 1982 Monaco Childhood Grace Patricia Kelly was born in 1929 in Philadelphia into a succesfull family.
Nicole Kidman to play Grace Kelly in upcoming film
Hollywood bible Variety has reported that Nicole Kidman has beaten out some stiff competition in to grab the role of Grace Kelly in the upcoming film Grace of Monaco.