Genre: Drama Description: Giant is an epic that follows the family of a Texas cattle rancher over the course of 25 years. Bick Benedict Jr. (Rock Hudson) falls in love and marries socialite Leslie Lynton (Elizabeth Taylor) from Maryland. Leslie struggles with adjusting to Bick’s family and the Texan culture. Meanwhile, Bick’s nemesis Jett Rink …
James Dean: the legend
Today marks the sixty-fifth anniversary of James Dean’s untimely death. James was 24-years old and had starred in just three movies (only one of which was released) when he died. In many ways he was just beginning. Still, he’s one of the few Classic Hollywood actors who’s fame survived the test of time.
Facts: James Dean
Read facts you never knew about James Dean: In high school, James was a star basketball player. When James had to write a case study about himself as a High School assignment, he wrote that ‘Mom became ill and passed out of my life at the age of nine. I never knew the reason for …
Method Acting
Method acting, or ‘The Method’, was an extremely popular approach to acting during The Golden Age of Hollywood. Some of its biggest fans were Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe and James Dean.
James Dean
Birth: February 8, 1931 Indiana, United States Death: September 30, 1955 California, United States Childhood James Dean was born on February 8, 1931 in Indiana and was called Jimmy by his family and friends. Although the pregnancy was not planned, his mother Mildred was absolutely smitten with him.