Genre: Crime Drama Description: Prizefighter-turned-longshoreman Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) has to decide if he will remain loyal to the mob-connected union boss Johnny Friendly (Lee J. Cobb) and Friendly’s right-hand man and Terry’s own brother Charley (Rod Steiger) or if he will testify against them in court. His guilty conscience gets worse when he falls …
Marlon Brando in his own words in new documentary
A new documentary on Marlon Brando called “Listen to Me Marlon” has just been released. But this is not just any documentary: “Listen to Me Marlon” is told in the late Brando’s own voice, culled from some 300 hours of audiotapes the actor made over the decades.
Facts: Marlon Brando
Read facts you never knew about Marlon Brando: When Marlon was a kid, everybody called him Bud. Close friends and family would continue to do so throughout his life. He was close friends with Wally Cox, who he had known since childhood. He took Wally’s sudden death at 48 very hard. He got a part …
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
Genre: Drama Description: In A Streetcar Named Desire a faded Southern beauty named Blanche DuBois (Vivien Leigh) comes to visit her sister Stella (Kim Hunter) in New Orleans after a nervous breakdown.
Quote of the week
An actor is at most a poet and at least an entertainer – Marlon Brando
Marlon Brando
Birth: April 3, 1924 Nebraska, United States Death: July 1, 2004 Los Angeles, United States Childhood Marlon Brando was born into an unconventional household. His mother Dorothy Pennebaker, known as Dodie, was an actress and a very spirited woman. But during her marriage she became an alcoholic. His father, Marlon Brando Sr., was a chemical …
Method Acting
Method acting, or ‘The Method’, was an extremely popular approach to acting during The Golden Age of Hollywood. Some of its biggest fans were Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe and James Dean.